Women Moderating Extremism in Pakistan

Posted by Sarah Chatellier with Dr. Shabana Fayyaz on August 1, 2012

From August 2010 to August 2012, The Institute for Inclusive Security implemented a program in Pakistan with support from the US Institute of Peace titled “Pakistani Women Moderating Extremism.” The initiative supported the formation of a national coalition of women leaders dedicated to curtailing extremism and promoting social cohesion. This first policy brief of a […]

Women’s Roles in Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Rehabilitation in Pakistan

Posted by Sarah Chatellier with Dr. Shabana Fayyaz on August 1, 2012

From August 2010 to August 2012, The Institute for Inclusive Security implemented a program in Pakistan with support from the US Institute of Peace titled “Pakistani Women Moderating Extremism.” The initiative supported the formation of a national coalition of women leaders dedicated to curtailing extremism and promoting social cohesion. This second policy brief of a […]

Elevating the Role of Pakistani Women in Moderating Extremism

Posted by Amn-o-Nisa and The Institute for Inclusive Security on April 1, 2012

Recognizing their role as critical resources for stability, women leaders from across Pakistan formed Amn-o-Nisa, a diverse coalition dedicated to collectively moderating extremism, in 2011. Drawing on their extensive experiences, 12 Amn-o-Nisa delegates drafted these recommendations for advancing women’s inclusion in US counterterrorism efforts and increasing US engagement with a key ally in Pakistan—women peacebuilders.

Recommendations of Amn–o–Nisa: The Pakistan Women’s Coalition Against Extremism

Posted by Amn-o-Nisa and The Institute for Inclusive Security on September 1, 2011

The policy community in Pakistan must acknowledge and address violent extremism in the country and enhance women’s ongoing efforts to build social cohesion in communities across the nation. Drawing on members’ diverse experiences, Amn-o-Nisa proposes these recommendations for moderating violent extremism and promoting social harmony in Pakistan.

Recommendations for Moderating Violent Extremism: Pakistan

Posted by The Institute for Inclusive Security on January 10, 2010

These recommendations for leveraging women’s skills and expertise in seeking to moderate extremism were developed by Pakistani women experts convened by The Institute for Inclusive Security in January 2010.

Recommendations for Moderating Violent Extremism: Bosnia

Posted by The Institute for Inclusive Security on January 1, 2010

These recommendations for leveraging women’s skills and expertise in seeking to moderate extremism were developed by women experts from Bosnia and Hercegovina convened by The Institute for Inclusive Security in January 2010.

Recommendations for Moderating Violent Extremism: Rwanda

Posted by The Institute for Inclusive Security on January 1, 2010

These recommendations for leveraging women’s skills and expertise in seeking to moderate extremism were developed by Rwandan women experts convened by The Institute for Inclusive Security in January 2010.

Recommendations for Moderating Violent Extremism: Lebanon

Posted by The Institute for Inclusive Security on January 1, 2010

These recommendations for leveraging women’s skills and expertise in seeking to moderate extremism were developed by Lebanese women experts convened by The Institute for Inclusive Security in January 2010.

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