Inclusive Security, Sustainable Peace: A Toolkit for Advocacy and Action

Posted by The Institute for Inclusive Security on August 16, 2004

Inclusive Security, Sustainable Peace: A Toolkit for Advocacy and Action is a resource for women peace builders and practitioners to effectively promote peace and security. Inclusive Security and International Alert collaborated to publish the toolkit in November 2004. Directed to women peace builders and the policy community, the toolkit outlines the components of peace building […]

Negotiating the Transition to Democracy and Reforming the Security Sector: The Vital Contributions of South African Women

Posted by Sanam Naraghi Anderlini with contributions by Camille Pampell Conaway on August 10, 2004

In October 2000, for the first time in its history, the UN Security Council acknowledged that women have a key role in promoting international stability by passing Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security. It called on all parties to ensure women’s participation in peace processes, from the prevention of conflict to negotiations and postwar […]

Women’s Participation in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

Posted by Julie Mertus on July 1, 2004

Bosnian civil society groups have taken the lead in addressing needs not met by their state during its postwar reconstruction period. Women’s groups have spurred the creation of a war crimes court, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), and have filled gaps in the court’s reconciliation processes. They pressed the court to […]

Preparing for Peace: The Critical Role of Women in Colombia

Posted by Susanne Martikke on May 1, 2004

From May 19-24, 2004, The Institute for Inclusive Security hosted 16 Colombian women peace builders in Washington, DC. In collaboration with other experts, these Colombian leaders developed recommendations for concrete ways policymakers can include women in their attempts to bring stability and security to the country. The conference aimed to elevate the voices of women in […]

In the Midst of War: Women’s Contributions to Peace in Colombia

Posted by Catalina Rojas on April 1, 2004

Women have been victims and actors in Colombia’s cycles of violence and peace. In talks organized by President Andrés Pastrana in 1999, women represented both the government and FARC, the major guerrilla group. In 2000, 600 women participated in a women’s public forum that pressed FARC and government leaders to consider women’s concerns. In 2002, […]

Good Governance from the Ground Up: Women’s Roles in Post-Conflict Cambodia

Posted by Laura McGrew, Kate Frieson and Sambath Chan on March 1, 2004

Women are spearheading Cambodia’s transformation to democracy. During the years when the UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia watched over the nation’s progress, women jumped at the chance to aid in reconstruction. They aimed to make the process of drafting a new constitution more inclusive, and they rallied to help ensure peaceful elections following violent campaign […]

Transition Within Tradition: Women’s Participation in Restoring Afghanistan

Posted by Amiri, Rina, Swanee Hunt, and Jennifer Sova on January 19, 2004

The eyes of the world focused on Afghanistan: our global consciousness was awakened to the plight of a population in turmoil. The subjugation of women served as part of a call to arms, another reason used to justify armed conflict half a world away. Images of women in burkas, kept from education, health care, and […]

Adding Value: Women’s Contributions to Reintegration and Reconstruction in El Salvador

Posted by Camille Pampell Conaway and Salome Martinez on January 1, 2004

Nearly 4,500 women, recognized as members of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN), participated in El Salvador’s demobilization, disarmament, and reintegration (DDR) program following the 1992 ceasefire. Women contributed in a variety of ways to the program’s success. For example, women leaders from the FMLN ensured that women received the land they were granted […]

From Combat to Community: Women and Girls of Sierra Leone

Posted by Dyan Mazurana and Khristopher Carlson on January 1, 2004

Women and girls fought on both sides of Sierra Leone’s civil war. Although large numbers of women said they were gang-pressed into performing support functions for armed groups, many also fought or received weapons training. Sierra Leone’s national disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) program frequently excluded women and girls. Many female ex-combatants, however, returned to […]

Building a New Iraq: Women’s Role in Reconstruction

Posted by Annemarie Brennan, cosponsored with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars on November 1, 2003

The Wilson Center and Inclusive Security, along with the World Bank and the American Bar Association, hosted 20 women in Washington, DC for the conference “Building a New Iraq: Women’s Role in Reconstruction.” The results of their visit, summarized in this report, include a series of findings and conclusions to ensure that women play a […]

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