In War-Torn Sudan, Women Wage Peace

Posted by on November 21, 2006
In War-Torn Sudan, Women Wage Peace

This article was originally published by The Christian Science Monitor. When the farming tribes of Darfur took up arms more than two years ago against what they saw as a neglectful Arab-dominated government, Samia Ahmed Nihar’s brothers, uncles, and male cousins joined the struggle. But as a lecturer in development studies at Khartoum University in […]

Women Politicians, Community Leaders in Sudan Call for More Influence on Government

Posted by on November 16, 2006
Women Politicians, Community Leaders in Sudan Call for More Influence on Government

This article was originally published by Voice of America. This past week, a meeting of Sudanese women from across the political spectrum ended in Khartoum urging that women be included at all levels of governance and peace making. The meeting was arranged by The Initiative for Inclusive Security – a program of Hunt Alternatives Fund […]

Building Peace in Darfur: The Vital Role of Women Leaders

Posted by The Institute for Inclusive Security on November 1, 2006

In November 2006, The Institute for Inclusive Security convened a diverse group of 15 women leaders from Darfur for a consultation on increasing women’s participation in the Darfur peace process. Together they identified these objectives as critical to achieving women’s inclusion.

Strategizing for Peace: The Critical Role of Women in Sudan

Posted by The Institute for Inclusive Security on November 1, 2006

In November 2006, The Institute for Inclusive Security convened a diverse group of 50 women leaders from the governments of National Unity and Southern Sudan as well as civil society for a consultation on increasing women’s participation in the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. Together they identified these objectives as critical to achieving this […]

Politkovskaya: A Life for Justice

Posted by on October 10, 2006
Politkovskaya: A Life for Justice

This article first appeared in the Women’s UN Report Network. Everyone needs a hero. Anna Politkovskaya was mine. And others’. In addition to the 2005 Civil Courage Prize, she received the Courage in Journalism Award from the International Women’s Media Foundation in 2002, as well as prizes from the Overseas Press Club and Amnesty International. […]

Dutch Activist Discusses Islam

Posted by on May 10, 2006
Dutch Activist Discusses Islam

This article was originally published by The Harvard Crimson. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a member of Dutch Parliament and human rights activist, addressed issues ranging from the culture of arranged marriages to the compatibility of Islam with open societies in Western Europe at several venues across campus yesterday. She began her tour at the Harvard Coop, […]

Women’s Rights and Democracy: Peaceful Transformation in Iran

Posted by The Institute for Inclusive Security on May 1, 2006

Women in Iran are the driving force behind the country’s reform, as they establish a basis for transformation to democracy in spite of repression and discrimination. Women in government promote women’s rights by allocating funds for women’s empowerment, by working with civil society groups, and by organizing workshops and educational programs to spread awareness of […]

Iranian Regime Erases Progress on Women’s Rights

Posted by on March 8, 2006
Iranian Regime Erases Progress on Women’s Rights

This article was originally published by The Washington Times. Despite International Women’s Day celebrations today, women in Iran still struggle for basic rights. The country’s conservative authorities forbid women from simple activities such as watching the World Cup qualifying soccer game live in a stadium. More prominent are restrictions on their legal and civil rights. […]

The New Genghis Khan

Posted by on February 15, 2006
The New Genghis Khan

This article was originally published by Scripps Howard News Service. One way to get to know a country is through an extraordinary person. And in a remote land whose best known figure lived more than 700 years ago, it takes a real star to draw you into the intricacies of the place. In 2004, an […]

American Organization Brings Women Together to Build Peace

Posted by on February 8, 2006
American Organization Brings Women Together to Build Peace

This article was originally published by Voice of America. Even if they don’t carry guns, women in war zones around the world pay the high cost of armed conflicts. They witness the loss of family members. They struggle to support their children and sustain life in their communities under dangerous conditions. But they can also […]

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