The “Inspiration Day” Model: Fostering Women’s Leadership by Connecting National Leaders with Grassroots Candidates

Posted by The Institute for Inclusive Security on June 1, 2009

Research suggests that connecting experienced national women leaders with potential female candidates at the grassroots successfully encourages women to run for office. This publication documents Inclusive Security’s efforts in Liberia and Rwanda to enable established female elected officials to nurture the next generation of leaders by sharing their experiences, priorities, and strategies with local women.

Quotes of the Week

Posted by on April 26, 2009
Quotes of the Week

This article was originally published by Enough Project. Speaking last week at a panel discussion hosted by the Nobel Women’s Initiative in Washington, D.C., Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai discussed prospects for peace in Sudan and had these wise words on the future of a credible peace process in Darfur and throughout the country: “It is […]

SUDAN: Nobel Laureates Demand Women Be Part of Peace Talks

Posted by on April 14, 2009
SUDAN: Nobel Laureates Demand Women Be Part of Peace Talks

This article was originally published by Inter Press Service. The international community must act immediately to resolve the political and humanitarian crises facing Sudan, said a panel of leading Sudan experts at a briefing here Tuesday, and ensure that any peace process formally include women’s input. “We were heartened by the Qatar process, and the […]

Women Parliamentarians: Caucusing for Equality and Effectiveness

Posted by on March 23, 2009

This article was originally published by Governance Village. Last week, as a group of eleven women passed through security at a federal building in Washington, DC, a security guard asked where the group was from. “Sudan,” one of them answered. “Where are the men?” he followed-up. After a brief pause, one replied, “At home, fighting […]


Inclusive Security: The Importance of Women’s Leadership in Conflict Resolution

Posted by on March 20, 2009

At the Club of Madrid’s 2008 conference on Global Leadership for Shared Societies, Ambassador Swanee Hunt, chair of the Institute for Inclusive Security, conducted interviews with 15 Club of Madrid members on the importance of women’s leadership in politics and peace processes.

Women Are the Emerging Power of the 21st Century

Posted by on March 9, 2009
Women Are the Emerging Power of the 21st Century

This article was originally published by Radio Free Europe. As the world celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8, one gathering in particular testified to the resilience of the human spirit. Some 800 guests assembled in Monrovia, the capital of Liberia on the coast of West Africa, for the International Colloquium on Women’s Empowerment, Leadership […]

The UN’s R2P Report Is Missing Out by Half

Posted by on March 2, 2009
The UN’s R2P Report Is Missing Out by Half

This article, co-authored by Swanee Hunt and Sheila B. Lalwani, was originally published by Huffington Post. A few days ago, the United Nations released its latest report on the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), the international commitment to prevent genocide, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. The report comes at a good time: President Obama is […]

Strategies for Policymakers: Bringing Women Into Government

Posted by Tobie Whitman and Jessica Gomez on March 1, 2009

Women bring important skills, attributes, and perspectives to the governance process. Few times offer policymakers as good an opportunity to increase the number of women participating in government as those windows immediately after conflicts. Those women who have successfully entered government have tended to build governance systems that are more stable and transparent, and more […]

“Nothing About Us Without Us”: Women and Peacemaking

Posted by on January 23, 2009
“Nothing About Us Without Us”: Women and Peacemaking

This article was originally published by Enough Project. The innovative Institute for Inclusive Security, which includes the equally impressive Women Waging Peace Network, hosted its tenth annual Policy Forum today in Washington. The forum marked the end of a colloquium that brought together 21 women leaders from 12 conflict and post-conflict areas around the world, […]

Inclusive Security: A Curriculum for Women Waging Peace

Posted by The Institute for Inclusive Security on January 1, 2009

Published in 2009, Inclusive Security: A Curriculum for Women Waging Peace is a resource for policymakers and practitioners who want to better include women in peace processes. This unique tool draws on more than a decade of original research and training by The Institute for Inclusive Security and accomplished women peace builders from areas including […]

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