
Women and Peace Negotiations in Darfur

Posted by on November 17, 2010

At the 2010 Policy Forum for the Institute for Inclusive Security, Canadian Senator Mobina Jaffer participates in a conversation with women leaders from Lebanon, Pakistan, Bosnia, and Rwanda. She spoke on women as a moderating force in negotiations over the conflict in Sudan.  


Time for Women to Call the Shots

Posted by on November 6, 2010
Time for Women to Call the Shots

This article was originally published by Global Post. Ten years ago, the United Nations Security Council unanimously approved Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security. In short, “1325” (as the international law is known among advocates) seeks to elevate the decision-making of women in war zones and protect women during armed conflict. This month, as […]

Joint Protection Teams: A Model for Enhancing Civilian Security

Posted by Tobie Whitman on November 1, 2010

Joint Protection Teams (JPTs) are a promising model for advancing protection efforts by peacekeepers currently being used by the UN in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. By promoting contact between peacekeepers and the local community, bringing civilian expertise to inaccessible areas, and increasing the number of women involved in protection efforts, JPTs are an […]

Give Women Peacekeepers a Chance

Posted by on October 29, 2010
Give Women Peacekeepers a Chance

This article was originally published by IRIN. The consensus was “could do better” as senior government representatives met in New York to commemorate UN Security Council Resolution 1325, a decade-old commitment to strengthen the role of women in peace and security. … “We have made some progress but not as much as we would have […]

Moderate Saudi Women Push Back Against Terrorist Groups

Posted by on September 8, 2010
Moderate Saudi Women Push Back Against Terrorist Groups

This article was originally published by MinnPost. Haylah Al Qusayir could keep a secret, hated Saudi security forces and ran a lucrative cash flow operation for Al Qaeda, sending it more than $293,000 from women who thought their jewelry and savings were supporting poor Muslim orphans. So when the 36-year-old widow was arrested in March […]

For Mideast Peace, Talks Must Be Opened to Women

Posted by on September 8, 2010
For Mideast Peace, Talks Must Be Opened to Women

This article, co-authored by Carla Koppell and Rebecca Miller, was originally published by Thomson Reuters Foundation. As the US relaunches Israeli-Palestinian talks, it sorely needs to reassess the negotiation process. Previous talks have suffered from lack of both transparency and inclusiveness. For most of the past 20 years, an extremely small group of high-level political […]

Guide to UN Security Council Resolution 1889

Posted by The Institute for Inclusive Security on September 1, 2010

Presented by Vietnam, this resolution was unanimously approved on October 5, 2009, and is a follow-up to UNSCR 1325, the original resolution that focused on women, peace, and security. UNSCR 1889 emphasizes the participation of women in all phases of the peace process. Most important, it calls for monitoring and introduces accountability mechanisms UNSCR 1325 […]

Guide to UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace, and Security

Posted by The Institute for Inclusive Security on September 1, 2010

UN Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs) are international law; as such, UN member states are required to follow them. At the same time, resolutions provide advocacy tools to civil society organizations. Four resolutions currently address women, peace, and security. UNSCRs 1325 and 1889 underscore women’s leadership in peacebuilding and conflict prevention. UNSCRs 1820 and 1888 focus […]

Afghanistan’s Most Valuable Resource for Peace? Its Women

Posted by on July 16, 2010
Afghanistan’s Most Valuable Resource for Peace? Its Women

This article was originally published by Thomson Reuters Foundation. As attention turns to the July 20 donor conference in Kabul, the international community must recognise that lithium and cobalt aren’t the most important resources to be tapped in returning peace and prosperity to Afghanistan. Women are the key. Too often dismissed as victims, Afghanistan’s women […]


Simple Mathematics

Posted by on July 14, 2010

As a filmmaker and peace activist from Kashmir, Ashima Kaul has seen her fair share of resistance to women’s involvement in peace and security. Here she provides an elemental reason for including all stakeholders in the peace process. As a member of the Institute for Inclusive Security’s Women Waging Peace Network, Ms. Kaul’s insights and […]

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