
Youth Are Not Just the Future, They Are the Present

Posted by on May 22, 2012

Sameena Imtiaz felt that youth in Pakistan were not being engaged to maintain peace in her country. Often overlooked because they are seen as “the future,” Ms. Imtiaz argues that to ignore her country’s youth is to ignore their present circumstances. Over 60% of the population in Pakistan is youth, so Ms. Imtiaz reached out […]


Mothers Moderate Minds

Posted by on May 17, 2012

When interviewed in 2011, Farhat Asif, a Pakistani researcher and journalist, spoke about the importance of home and family in teaching children the skills to cope with extremism and violence. In her eyes, the home is the “Intensive Care Unit” for society, so if the family is struggling, the society will struggle as well. She […]


Like Losing Your Children on a Daily Basis

Posted by on May 17, 2012

Bushra Hyder, a peacebuilder and educator, believes that women in Pakistan need to unite and call for peace in her country—just as women in Northern Ireland and Sudan have done—in order to save future generations from more violence. In an interview in 2011, she described her concern about the mental health of youth growing up […]

Much to My Surprise, a Warm Welcome for Pakistani Women Moderating Extremism

Posted by on May 14, 2012

During the weeks I spent preparing to bring a delegation of 12 women from Pakistan to the US to talk about one of Washington’s hottest issues—extremism—I couldn’t help but be filled with a slight sense of dread. Let’s be frank; relations between the US and Pakistan are far from ideal. A Gallup survey done last year […]

An Open Thank You Letter to the US Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan

Posted by on May 10, 2012

The following is a letter I sent to the US Embassy in Islamabad this morning to thank them for sponsoring a US visit of 12 Pakistani women. Salaam from Kabul! I hope you all are well. I wanted to thank you for supporting the delegation of 12 Pakistani women for their exchange visit. Of course, […]

Soft Power, Woman Power: Forging a New Security Paradigm in Pakistan

Soft Power, Woman Power: Forging a New Security Paradigm in Pakistan

This article was originally published by Global Post. It was a unique Christmas party. Eight madrassah students in Peshawar, Pakistan took giant homemade cards, cake and flowers over to the US Consulate last year. The students and diplomats sat and talked for four hours, facilitated by teachers who provide English language and computer skills to […]

Bosnia Still Needs Fixing

Posted by on May 3, 2012
Bosnia Still Needs Fixing

This article, co-authored by Swanee Hunt and Wesley Clark, was originally published by The New York Times. IN the Bosnian city of Mostar, a beautiful Ottoman-era limestone bridge called the Stari Most arched over the Neretva River for 427 years, surviving earthquakes and two world wars. After a barrage of shelling in 1993, during the […]


Collective Action on Blasphemy Law

Posted by on May 3, 2012

In this clip, Pakistani journalist Naziha Ali explains why she joined Citizens for Democracy Pakistan in January 2011 after the assassination of Pakistani politician Salmaan Taseer, who was killed for his religious beliefs. This experience inspired her and others to come together to work to reform the blasphemy laws.

A Whirlwind Week With 12 Women Peacebuilders from Pakistan

Posted by on May 2, 2012

[View the story “Pakistani Women Peace Delegation Visits the US” on Storify]

Pakistani Women Unite to Battle Religious Extremism

Posted by on April 30, 2012
Pakistani Women Unite to Battle Religious Extremism

This article was originally published by Huffington Post. Sameena Imtiaz, a soft-spoken, educated Pakistani social worker, operates in the midst of U.S. drone strikes and Taliban suicide bombings. She regularly travels to remote parts of her country in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province, infamously known for the safe […]

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