Rebuilding Rwanda: Trauma and Trust

Posted by on December 30, 2013
Rebuilding Rwanda: Trauma and Trust

This article was originally published by Global Post. This is the fourth piece in a five-part series. KIGALI, Rwanda — Rwanda’s First Lady, Jeannette Kagame, has launched yet another initiative in this tiny central African state. Her office has started up projects advancing children, particularly girls, and providing what a business school might dub a […]

Rebuilding Rwanda: Women in Politics

Posted by on December 26, 2013
Rebuilding Rwanda: Women in Politics

This article was originally published by Global Post. This is the third piece in a five-part series. KIGALI, Rwanda — Senator Jeanne d’Arc Gakuba hadn’t considered getting into politics until she shadowed a city councilman in Tucson, Arizona and watched local leaders in Louisiana coping with poverty and crime. It was 2000, and Gakuba had […]

Rebuilding Rwanda: Women in the Private Sector

Posted by on December 26, 2013
Rebuilding Rwanda: Women in the Private Sector

This article was originally published by Global Post. This is the second piece in a five-part series. KIGALI, Rwanda — To shoot her portrait, we met Immy Kamarade at her petrol station. The photos are striking — Kamarade, in a pencil skirt and a black and white checked jacket, standing beneath a bright red rooftop […]

Rebuilding Rwanda: Reflections on a Nation Two Decades After Genocide

Posted by on December 26, 2013
Rebuilding Rwanda: Reflections on a Nation Two Decades After Genocide

This article was originally published by Global Post. This is the first piece in a five-part series. KIGALI, Rwanda — From the airport hilltop at night, looking down on the city of Kigali is like looking up in the sky. White LED lights dot layers after layers of hills, a fitting, glowing first impression of […]

Congress Finally Delivers for Women in the Afghan National Security Forces

Posted by on December 21, 2013
Congress Finally Delivers for Women in the Afghan National Security Forces

This article was originally published by The Daily Beast. Fifty-three billion and change. That’s how much the U.S. has spent to build, train, equip, and sustain the Afghan National Security Forces. Still, this support hasn’t resulted in a military that is inclusive, representative, or capable of addressing the security needs of all Afghans—men and women […]

National Action Plan M&E Toolkit Launched at UN Global Review

Posted by on November 26, 2013

At the recent Global Review of UNSCR 1325, hosted by UN Women, I unveiled Resolution to Act’s newest resource: the National Action Plan (NAP) Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit. Building on the efforts of UN Women and other key actors, the NAP Toolkit offers resources for stakeholders to evaluate NAP progress—and, more importantly, impact. Users can […]

Does Peace Need Women?

Posted by on November 14, 2013
Does Peace Need Women?

In this podcast, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe speaks to Inclusive Security’s Director, Jacqueline O’Neill, and others about the critical role women play in peacebuilding.


Challenges to Securing Afghan Women’s Gains

Posted by on October 30, 2013

On October 29, Michelle Barsa of Inclusive Security Action testified in front of the House Armed Services Committee about the challenges to securing Afghan women’s gains in a post-2014 environment.

Women’s Peace Leadership ”Smart Policy,” and UN Pushes For More

Posted by on October 28, 2013

This article was originally published by the International Peace Institute. The UN Security Council marked its annual open debate on women, peace and security this month by unanimously adopting a resolution on women’s agency and leadership in conflict prevention and resolution. Resolution 2122 is the Council’s sixth women, peace and security resolution in six years, […]

Strengthening Women Peacebuilders in South Asia

Posted by on October 25, 2013

Over the past year and a half, Inclusive Security has held two highly successful, eight-day Training of Trainers workshops, to equip women leaders in South Asia to advocate for an increased role in peace and security decision making. In partnership with the UN Development Programme’s N-Peace Network—a regional initiative connecting 800 women leaders in Afghanistan, […]

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