POLICY BRIEF: The Role of Pakistani Policewomen in Countering Violent Extremism

POLICY BRIEF: The Role of Pakistani Policewomen in Countering Violent Extremism

Last week, the Pakistani Taliban and civilian government sat down for the first time to conduct face-to-face peace talks. These discussions—between a militant group that has claimed tens of thousands of lives and the political leaders who’ve thus far been unable to fully stem the violence—will have very real consequences for the men, women, and […]

The Rise of Rwanda’s Women

Posted by on March 30, 2014
The Rise of Rwanda’s Women

A new article, “The Rise of Rwanda’s Women,” by Inclusive Security founder and Chair Ambassador Swanee Hunt was published today on the Foreign Affairs website. The article will also appear in the May-June print edition.  Over the last 15 years, Amb. Hunt and Inclusive Security staff have worked alongside Rwandan women leaders advancing peace and security. […]

Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism in Pakistan: Why Policewomen Must Have a Role

Posted by Allison Peters on March 28, 2014

Pakistan’s law enforcement agencies struggle to combat militant violence that contributes to political, economic, and social instability. To improve the operational effectiveness of Pakistani forces, the government of Pakistan and international donors must prioritize the recruitment, retention, and professionalization of women in the police. This policy brief summarizes research conducted in Pakistan in October 2013 […]

Gender Parity in Parliament Possible Within 20 Years, New Trends Show

Posted by on March 25, 2014
Gender Parity in Parliament Possible Within 20 Years, New Trends Show

This post originally appeared on the Inter-Parliamentary Union website. A one point five percentage point (1.5) increase in 2013 of the global average of women members of parliament (MPs) marks a significant and encouraging trend that could lead to gender parity within 20 years if fully capitalized upon, says the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). In its […]

A Model National Action Plan in Bosnia and Herzegovina

This article, co-authored by Mariam Mansury and Samra Filipovic-Hadziabdic, was originally published by Building Peace. The vision of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, adopted on October 31, 2000, is historic: It recognizes women not only as victims of war but also as agents of change with the potential to stem violence, reconcile communities, and sustain […]

Ambassador Carol Rodley Joins Inclusive Security’s Resolution to Act Initiative

Posted by on March 4, 2014
Ambassador Carol Rodley Joins Inclusive Security’s Resolution to Act Initiative

Inclusive Security is thrilled to welcome Ambassador Carol Rodley to its leadership team as Director of Resolution to Act. Ambassador Rodley has more than 30 years of experience as an American diplomat. Most recently, she served as Dean of the School of Leadership and Management at the State Department’s Foreign Service Institute and was the […]

Secretary Clinton Announces Partnership in Support of Women, Peace, and Security

Posted by on February 27, 2014
Secretary Clinton Announces Partnership in Support of Women, Peace, and Security

Hillary Rodham Clinton has announced a new partnership to support her No Ceilings initiative. The Institute for Inclusive Security and the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security will convene government and civil society leaders from around the world to create roadmaps for advancing women’s leadership roles in ending wars and constructing durable peace. Speaking […]

10 Ways Syrian Women Are Building Peace and Democracy

Posted by on February 21, 2014
10 Ways Syrian Women Are Building Peace and Democracy

This article was originally published by Conflict Perspectives. They move carefully between constantly changing checkpoints, where they’re often harassed. Extremists have been known to target female activists—beating them for not dressing conservatively enough. Or they may be detained. It happens frequently, especially if their activities are known to the government authorities. Even if not directly […]

Taskforce for the Engagement of Women in Sudan and South Sudan: Statement and Recommendations

Posted by Taskforce for the Engagement of Women in Sudan and South Sudan on February 19, 2014

In late January 2014, 20 peacebuilders from Sudan and South Sudan (one man and 19 women), convened in Addis Ababa to discuss the ongoing conflicts in Sudan and South Sudan. These recommendations address gaps and/or deficiencies in the previously negotiated Cessation of Hostilities between South Sudan and opposition forces, the humanitarian response, and the peace […]

Women Leaders in Peace Building

Posted by on February 18, 2014
Women Leaders in Peace Building

In this Radio Souriali episode, host and producer Honey Al Sayed interviews Ambassador Swanee Hunt, author, Founder and Chair of the Institute for Inclusive Security, and Eleanor Roosevelt Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, who has brokered women’s advancement in peacebuilding worldwide for two decades.

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