PHOTOS: South Sudanese and Sudanese Women Convene for Peacebuilding Training and Advocacy

The Institute for Inclusive Security has been supporting the Taskforce on the Engagement of Women, a cross-border group of 20 leading civil society activists and government officials from Sudan and South Sudan. The Taskforce pushes for women’s meaningful participation in bilateral and national peace processes. It acts as a conduit between women in civil society […]
VIDEO – What Matters Most: Measuring Plans for Inclusive Security

On April 2, the Network for Peacebuilding Evaluation and Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium hosted a Thursday Talk with Zsuzsanna Lippai, Inclusive Security Monitoring and Evaluation Manager. She discussed the monitoring and evaluation guide, “What Matters Most: Measuring Plans for Inclusive Security.” 2015-04-02 10.30 Thursday Talk on the Network for Peacebuilding Evaluation on DME for Peace from DME for Peace […]
Creating an Enabling Environment for Inclusion: The Role of Traditional Leadership

National action plans (NAPs) are policy documents that articulate a government’s commitment to promote women’s inclusion in national security and peace processes. They outline a strategy to coordinate ministries, civil society organizations, and other relevant actors to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1325. We convened experts from Afghanistan, Bosnia, Canada, Indonesia, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, […]
Policy Brief
Engaging Women in Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR): Insights for Colombia
As the Colombian government and the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) negotiate terms to end more than a half century of violence, a crucial issue is the future of the FARC’s 8,000 combatants, close to 40% of whom are female. For a peace agreement to result in enduring stability, former combatants must be meaningfully […]
Women, Peace, and Security in the New Congress: Strategies for Action (WEBINAR)

The US National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security, passed by executive order in 2011, commits our government—from the president to his cabinet to missions around the world—to advancing women’s meaningful participation in peace and security processes. Progress in certain areas has been slow, but Congress can speed up implementation by supporting the Women, […]
Fear and Hope in Peshawar

This article, by Network member Bushra Hyder, originally appeared in The Weekly Wonk. Peshawar is my city. If you try to imagine what it’s like there, peace is probably the last thing you’d think of. Peshawar, Pakistan, which borders Afghanistan, is one of the most dangerous and unstable regions in the world. It’s where, late […]
Where Airstrikes Fall Short, the West Can Still Act to End Violence Against Women

This article was originally published by Solutions Journal. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’s (ISIS) atrocities against women have provoked worldwide outrage, generating increased support for U.S. action in the region and hundreds of airstrikes in Iraq and Syria since August. Yet for all this indignation, similar abuses against women, including child marriages, legalized […]
Being Hillary: Hero Abroad, Punching Bag at Home

This article was originally published by Newsweek. It’s been 20 years since first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton took the podium in Beijing and gave a historic speech defining women’s rights as human rights. She said rape, female genital mutilation, domestic violence and infant gender-selection practices were human rights violations that could no longer be considered […]
Infographic: The Inaugural National Action Plan Academy

In December 2014, we hosted a National Action Plan (NAP) Academy to strengthen the NAP community and facilitate shared learning between government and civil society representatives around the globe. Check out this infographic for an overview of the NAP Academy, including highlights about the commitments each country made. View the National Action Plan Academy Infographic.
At CGIU, Women Urged to Play Role in Sustainable Peace Negotiations

This article was originally published by The Miami Hurricane. Juniors Daniela Lorenzo and Mariana Gaviria don’t include “burning bras” in their agenda for making a change, but instead look to open conversation on de-stigmatizing the “F” word: feminism. Their project, also called The “F” Word, was created in late September after they watched Emma Watson’s […]