Beyond Revolution: How Women Influenced Constitution Making In Tunisia

Participatory approaches have come to the forefront of constitution making in recent years. Their potential for fostering legitimacy, national ownership, and the inclusion of diverse groups is particularly relevant in deeply divided societies. Yet a large demographic–women–remains significantly under-represented in constitution-reform processes, averaging just 19 percent of seats in constituent assemblies in countries experiencing conflict, […]
A Women’s Guide to Constitution Making

For those looking to get a clearer understanding of the constitutional process, actors, and tactics for influence, we have also developed a Women’s Guide to Constitution Making. This guide is designed for women looking to influence constitutional processes in their own countries, whether by earning a seat in constitution-drafting bodies, advocating from civil society, advising as […]
How Women Influence Constitution Making After Conflict and Unrest

This is the first major effort to understand the numbers, roles and impact of women in constitution making after conflict and unrest. We examine eight countries and draw out lessons for policymakers and those looking to influence this crucial entry point for building peace. A constitution lays the foundation for how power will be exercised […]
Creating National Action Plans: A Guide to Implementing Resolution 1325

This guide is for policymakers, government officials, and civil society leaders as they develop, implement, and track progress on national action plans (NAPs) and other strategies for advancing women’s inclusion in peace and security. It explains how to ensure effective design, improve coordination, and include civil society as critical steps to make UN Security Council […]
Expanding Funding For Women in Peace and Security: A Messaging Guide

Commissioned by Inclusive Security with support from the Compton Foundation, this research sought to learn more about giving: why individuals and organizations give, how they give, and what would make them more or less likely to give in the future. Specifically, this report aims to shed light on how organizations working to increase women’s inclusion […]
Policy Brief, Research
Inclusive Ceasefires: Women, Gender, and a Sustainable End to Violence

Photo: Gregor Fischer/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images Download the Publication Traditional approaches to ending wars—where armed groups meet behind closed doors to hammer out a truce—are falling short in the face of 21st century conflicts. Belligerents increasingly target civilians, and global displacement from conflict, violence, and persecution has reached the highest level ever recorded. States that emerge from war […]
Policy Brief
Sudanese Women Advocate for Inclusive and Effective Peace Process

In January 2017, the Sudan Taskforce on the Engagement of Women and other women leaders came together during the African Union Summit to advocate for a more inclusive and effective peace process. Their goals were to identify the root causes of conflict, analyze the current deadlocks, and determine concrete recommendations on how to move the […]
Designing Inclusive Strategies for Sustainable Security: Results-Oriented National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security

Photo: OSCE/Bradley Murray This publication captures lessons learned during the September 2016 OSCE National Action Plan (NAP) Academy held in Vienna, Austria and is a result of the participants’ request for realistic examples of high-impact NAP designs. The purpose of NAP Academies is to bring together practitioners from diverse contexts to share their experiences in […]
Promoting Inclusive Policy Frameworks for Countering Violent Extremism

Download the Publication Pakistan continues to face threats of violent extremism as the government grapples with political and social instability. Numerous terrorist organizations operate within the nation’s borders and continue to launch devastating attacks against the Pakistani people and those in neighboring countries. Despite the launch of the government’s military counter-terrorism operation, Zarb-e-Azb, in 2014, […]
From Global Promise to National Action: Advancing Women, Peace, and Security in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Philippines, Serbia, and Sierra Leone

Executive Summary Since 2010, conflict and displacement around the globe have increased. Unlike traditional conflicts typified by inter-state military confrontations, today’s hybrid wars increasingly threaten civilians, and state-centric approaches to peacemaking frequently fall short. As new evidence links women’s participation in a variety of peace and security processes with greater likelihood of successful outcomes, international […]