Strategies for Policymakers: Bringing Women Into Government

Tobie Whitman and Jessica Gomez | March 2009

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Women bring important skills, attributes, and perspectives to the governance process. Few times offer policymakers as good an opportunity to increase the number of women participating in government as those windows immediately after conflicts. Those women who have successfully entered government have tended to build governance systems that are more stable and transparent, and more often accepted as legitimate by society. They have demonstrated the ability to bridge political divides, highlight women’s concerns, facilitate a consultative and participatory approach to policymaking, and press for government accountability. Despite their documented contributions, they are largely excluded.

In October 2000, the UN Security Council mandated women’s full participation in peace building in Resolution 1325. Few policymakers, however, know how to fulfill this obligation. This guide intends to provide the international community with concrete strategies to successfully bring women into government.

This publication presents concrete strategies for the international community to successfully bring women into government, building on case studies of Afghanistan, Cambodia, and Rwanda.

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