Designing Inclusive Strategies for Sustainable Security: Results-Oriented National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security

Photo: OSCE/Bradley Murray
This publication captures lessons learned during the September 2016 OSCE National Action Plan (NAP) Academy held in Vienna, Austria and is a result of the participants’ request for realistic examples of high-impact NAP designs. The purpose of NAP Academies is to bring together practitioners from diverse contexts to share their experiences in plan design and implementation. At NAP Academies, participants apply Inclusive Security tools to strengthen NAPs and use the results to highlight approaches, which have worked or fallen short in their country. This practical guide captures some first-hand examples, which were shared at the OSCE NAP Academy, and builds on earlier research on NAPs for implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1325. This report shares participants’ insights and guidance on how to strengthen plan design processes. It discusses the elements of a “high-impact” plan, focusing on the logic framework (logframe), and the creation of results-oriented outcomes and midterm outcomes. Finally, based on the results of interactive exercises at the NAP Academy, it provides examples of possible plan outcomes and midterm outcomes, which are tailored to specific country contexts and priorities.