The Women, Peace, and Security Act and the March Toward Inclusion

Posted by on January 22, 2014
The Women, Peace, and Security Act and the March Toward Inclusion

From this week’s Geneva II talks on Syria to the ongoing South Sudan peace negotiations, women continue to call on the US and the international community to play a greater role in advocating for their meaningful inclusion and participation in negotiations. While there is progress, much work remains. Last week, US Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA) […]

National Action Plan M&E Toolkit Launched at UN Global Review

Posted by on November 26, 2013

At the recent Global Review of UNSCR 1325, hosted by UN Women, I unveiled Resolution to Act’s newest resource: the National Action Plan (NAP) Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit. Building on the efforts of UN Women and other key actors, the NAP Toolkit offers resources for stakeholders to evaluate NAP progress—and, more importantly, impact. Users can […]

Does Peace Need Women?

Posted by on November 14, 2013
Does Peace Need Women?

In this podcast, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe speaks to Inclusive Security’s Director, Jacqueline O’Neill, and others about the critical role women play in peacebuilding.


Challenges to Securing Afghan Women’s Gains

Posted by on October 30, 2013

On October 29, Michelle Barsa of Inclusive Security Action testified in front of the House Armed Services Committee about the challenges to securing Afghan women’s gains in a post-2014 environment.

Women’s Peace Leadership ”Smart Policy,” and UN Pushes For More

Posted by on October 28, 2013

This article was originally published by the International Peace Institute. The UN Security Council marked its annual open debate on women, peace and security this month by unanimously adopting a resolution on women’s agency and leadership in conflict prevention and resolution. Resolution 2122 is the Council’s sixth women, peace and security resolution in six years, […]

Strengthening Women Peacebuilders in South Asia

Posted by on October 25, 2013

Over the past year and a half, Inclusive Security has held two highly successful, eight-day Training of Trainers workshops, to equip women leaders in South Asia to advocate for an increased role in peace and security decision making. In partnership with the UN Development Programme’s N-Peace Network—a regional initiative connecting 800 women leaders in Afghanistan, […]

Options for an Inclusive Peace Process in Syria

Posted by on October 25, 2013

In June 2012, over one year after revolution erupted in Syria, international actors agreed on a set of principles for a Syrian-led transition to peace and democracy, including that “[a]ll groups and segments of society…must be enabled to participate.” But 16 months after this agreement was reached in Geneva, how has it factored into planning […]

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The Danger of the “Women’s Issues” Label

Posted by on September 27, 2013
The Danger of the “Women’s Issues” Label

In between assessing the progress of Bosnia’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security and developing a toolkit for NAP monitoring and evaluation, Angelic Young, Senior Coordinator of Resolution to Act, found the time to pen an insightful piece for PolicyMic on why so-called “women’s issues” are actually human issues. The frequent framing of […]

Philister Baya Lawiri of South Sudan Chosen as 2013 Women PeaceMaker

Posted by on September 26, 2013

Congratulations to Women Waging Peace Network member Philister Baya Lawiri for being selected as one of four Women PeaceMakers for 2013! In its 11th year, the Women PeaceMakers Program, based at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice at the University of San Diego, documents the efforts of women leaders to build peace […]

Syrian Women Envision a Peaceful Future

Posted by on August 23, 2013

Earlier this year, 31 Syrian women traveled to Turkey—from government-controlled cities and towns as well as from “liberated” areas—for a series of workshops to discuss their vision for the future. The diverse group included activists, civil society leaders, and public servants, all with a common purpose: realizing a peaceful, democratic Syria. Inclusive Security, in partnership […]

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