Pakistani Women in DC to Offer Innovative Solutions to Regional Instability

Pakistani Women in DC to Offer Innovative Solutions to Regional Instability

Who? The Institute for Inclusive Security is hosting four influential Pakistani leaders in Washington, DC, this week to highlight the role of women in moderating violent extremism. The delegation includes two parliamentarians: • Member of the National Assembly Shaista Pervaiz, leader of the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus. • Senator Nuzhat Sadiq, head of the women’s wing […]

POLICY BRIEF: The Role of Pakistani Policewomen in Countering Violent Extremism

POLICY BRIEF: The Role of Pakistani Policewomen in Countering Violent Extremism

Last week, the Pakistani Taliban and civilian government sat down for the first time to conduct face-to-face peace talks. These discussions—between a militant group that has claimed tens of thousands of lives and the political leaders who’ve thus far been unable to fully stem the violence—will have very real consequences for the men, women, and […]

Gender Parity in Parliament Possible Within 20 Years, New Trends Show

Posted by on March 25, 2014
Gender Parity in Parliament Possible Within 20 Years, New Trends Show

This post originally appeared on the Inter-Parliamentary Union website. A one point five percentage point (1.5) increase in 2013 of the global average of women members of parliament (MPs) marks a significant and encouraging trend that could lead to gender parity within 20 years if fully capitalized upon, says the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). In its […]

Ambassador Carol Rodley Joins Inclusive Security’s Resolution to Act Initiative

Posted by on March 4, 2014
Ambassador Carol Rodley Joins Inclusive Security’s Resolution to Act Initiative

Inclusive Security is thrilled to welcome Ambassador Carol Rodley to its leadership team as Director of Resolution to Act. Ambassador Rodley has more than 30 years of experience as an American diplomat. Most recently, she served as Dean of the School of Leadership and Management at the State Department’s Foreign Service Institute and was the […]

Secretary Clinton Announces Partnership in Support of Women, Peace, and Security

Posted by on February 27, 2014
Secretary Clinton Announces Partnership in Support of Women, Peace, and Security

Hillary Rodham Clinton has announced a new partnership to support her No Ceilings initiative. The Institute for Inclusive Security and the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security will convene government and civil society leaders from around the world to create roadmaps for advancing women’s leadership roles in ending wars and constructing durable peace. Speaking […]

VIDEO: Why We Need More Women at the Syria Peace Talks

Posted by on February 12, 2014

Inclusive Security Action’s Michelle Barsa outlines how Syrian women are involved in the ongoing peace talks and why their participation is so critical.

The Women of the Syria Peace Talks

Posted by on February 6, 2014

In the lead-up to the Geneva II negotiations, Syrian activists, local and international organizations, the UN, and various foreign governments made a clear demand: Women must be at the table. During the first round of talks in late January, both the regime and opposition delegations heeded that call, to differing extents. Below, we’ve documented what we know […]


Why We Need More Women at the Syria Peace Talks

Posted by on February 6, 2014

Inclusive Security Action’s Michelle Barsa outlines how Syrian women are involved in the ongoing peace talks and why their participation is so critical.

Survey Report: Syria Peace Talks Fail to Engage Women

Posted by on January 22, 2014

Today the US, Russia, and close to 40 other countries have assembled to discuss an end to three years of bloodshed in Syria. If all goes well, the regime and opposition delegations will begin negotiations on Friday. But who will be at the table? Without inclusion “there will be no space for democracy in this […]

Can Women Stop War?

Posted by on January 22, 2014

It’s not a rhetorical question. Last week, in front of a packed audience at Harvard’s JFK Jr. Forum, five women leaders from Afghanistan, Colombia, the Philippines, Rwanda, and Syria gathered onstage with Inclusive Security’s founder and chair, Ambassador Swanee Hunt, to demonstrate the answer. This was far from merely an intellectual exercise. These women—and the […]

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