VIDEO: Put the People at the Center

Posted by on June 30, 2016
VIDEO: Put the People at the Center

Stella Sabiiti, a refugee from Uganda, reflects on the exclusivity of the Darfur peace process. She also discusses how far the peacebuilding world has come in terms of inclusion, particularly through the creation of national action plans.

A Quick Guide to the Women, Peace, and Security Act

Posted by on June 16, 2016
A Quick Guide to the Women, Peace, and Security Act

“The benefits of women’s participation—and the risks of their exclusion—in all aspects of governance and peacekeeping are too great to ignore.” That was the sentiment expressed recently by Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) at a historic House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on advancing women’s inclusion in peace and security. Today, we commend the committee for putting […]

South Sudan in Focus

South Sudan in Focus

This segment was originally published by Voice of America. At the United States of Women Summit, Inclusive Security’s Program Manager for South Sudan and Sudan, Kelly Case, spoke to Voice of America about why women’s participation is the key to making South Sudan’s peace process sustainable. Drawing on new research and historical examples, she explains […]

Why the Next US Administration Must Include Women and Civil Society in National Security

Posted by on May 31, 2016
Why the Next US Administration Must Include Women and Civil Society in National Security

On May 20, Ambassador Swanee Hunt, Founder and Chair of Inclusive Security, and Wafa Bughaighis, senior Libyan government representative to the US and a member of Inclusive Security’s Women Waging Peace Network, welcomed participants at the first meeting of a new Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) roundtable series on “The Future of Security.” Co-hosted by […]

VIDEO: 7 Rules for Avoiding All-Male Panels

Posted by on May 30, 2016
VIDEO: 7 Rules for Avoiding All-Male Panels

Watch this video to learn how to prevent #manels.

Countering Violent Extremism Depends on Women

Posted by on April 26, 2016
Countering Violent Extremism Depends on Women

This article, by Jillian Slutzker, was originally published by Creative Associates International. Women can and should play a larger role in identifying and reducing the root causes that drive individuals to radicalization and possible violent extremism, according to experts at the CVE Symposium in Washington, D.C. “Exclusion breeds conflict and the processes that are used […]

Women Absent from Myanmar’s Peace Talks

Women Absent from Myanmar’s Peace Talks

Tasked with ending the world’s longest-running civil war, Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi has made peace the top priority of her new government. But she is one of few women at the helm of this critical peace process. According to a new policy brief by the Alliance for Gender Inclusion in the Peace Process (AGIPP), […]


How Getting Women Involved Can Combat Extremism and Save Lives

Posted by on April 1, 2016
How Getting Women Involved Can Combat Extremism and Save Lives

This article was published by PBS NewsHour. As increasingly costly, disruptive and deadly conflicts unfold around the world, a House hearing last week highlighted that when women participate in negotiations, the resulting agreement is 35 percent more likely to last at least 15 years. “Think about the lives saved and economies maintained by a 35 […]

In the Wake of Ebola, Sierra Leone Seeks to Renew Holistic Push for Peace and Gender Equality

In the Wake of Ebola, Sierra Leone Seeks to Renew Holistic Push for Peace and Gender Equality

This article was originally published by One Earth Future.  Authored by Alexandra Amling and Brittany Persinger Sierra Leone launched its National Action Plan (SiLNAP) for advancing women’s participation in decision-making around peace and security in 2010, following a comprehensive assessment that mapped existing national, provincial, and local level initiatives. Implementation of the SiLNAP started off […]

House Holds “Truly Historic” Hearing on Women and Security

Posted by on March 22, 2016
House Holds “Truly Historic” Hearing on Women and Security

The House Foreign Affairs Committee held the first-ever hearing by a full congressional panel on the role of women in peace and security. Jacqueline O’Neill, Director of The Institute for Inclusive Security, one of three witnesses, testified that the hearing “put a crucial topic squarely on the agenda of one of the most prominent committees […]

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