
Spain Pushes New Global Network on Women, Peace, and Security

Posted by on October 5, 2016
Spain Pushes New Global Network on Women, Peace, and Security

More than 40 countries have joined a new international network designed to help governments, civil society groups, and regional organizations share best practices to advance women as central actors in building peace and security. Spain and five other nations hosted the inaugural event on September 23 during the annual opening week of the UN General […]

How Our Next President Can Improve Security

Posted by on September 29, 2016
How Our Next President Can Improve Security

Seventy-five percent of American voters rank foreign policy as one of the most important issues influencing their vote in the 2016 elections. That’s second only to terrorism (80 percent) and the economy (84 percent). It’s clear that citizens are concerned about America’s role in fostering global prosperity and stability. In the face of complex threats, […]

Getting to a Sustainable Ceasefire in Syria – What We Know

Posted by on September 16, 2016
Getting to a Sustainable Ceasefire in Syria – What We Know

Update: As of September 20, the cessation of hostilities agreement was broken, following an attack on a humanitarian aid convoy. Five and a half years into the Syrian civil war, the US and Russia have brokered the country’s second cessation of hostilities (CoH), temporarily stopping the bloodshed and allowing desperately needed humanitarian aid to enter […]

National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security in Focus of OSCE-supported Academy in Vienna

Posted by on September 16, 2016
National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security in Focus of OSCE-supported Academy in Vienna

This article was originally published by OSCE. Enhancing the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on women, peace and security is the focus of the OSCE-supported National Action Plan (NAP) Academy that started today in Vienna, bringing together 52 practitioners from across the OSCE region. Participants in the two-day event will discuss ways […]

US Spending Millions to Train Women Police Officers Worldwide. What About At Home?

Posted by on August 15, 2016
US Spending Millions to Train Women Police Officers Worldwide. What About At Home?

This article was originally published by Public Radio International. Last week’s Justice Department investigation into the Baltimore Police Department shocked the nation — and not just for its accusations of racism and aggressive police tactics. At the back of the report was a detailed accounting of rampant sexism in the department — exposing how officers […]

What Do Women Bring to Peacebuilding?

Posted by on August 13, 2016
What Do Women Bring to Peacebuilding?

This video was originally published by PeaceNews. With the recent election of a female leader in the UK and potential new female leaders in the US and head of the United Nations, the question on some minds is: What do women bring to peacebuilding? In this short video, PeaceNews talks to Inclusive Security’s Founder and […]

What Are National Action Plans and Why Do They Matter?

Posted by on August 10, 2016
What Are National Action Plans and Why Do They Matter?

For peace to be sustainable, women must be fully engaged in building it. The power of inclusivity in peace processes is undeniable, yet norms about who prevents and resolves conflict or builds stability have been slow to change. Recognizing this, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1325 in 2000. Resolution 1325 didn’t call on governments […]

Women in Charge: A New Record?

Posted by on August 4, 2016
Women in Charge: A New Record?

This article was originally published by Politico. When British Prime Minister Theresa May and German Chancellor Angela Merkel met recently in Berlin for the first time since May had taken her new post, it wasn’t just a dramatic moment in itself—two female leaders of two of the world’s most powerful countries standing side by side […]

What Clinton’s Candidacy Means to Women Worldwide

Posted by on July 27, 2016
What Clinton’s Candidacy Means to Women Worldwide

This article was originally published by Public Radio International. She doesn’t talk about it much on the campaign trail. But as she is lauded at home with a historic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton is being praised abroad for decades of quiet work that put the rights of women around the world at the top of […]

VIDEO: It’s Not About the Number of Women

VIDEO: It’s Not About the Number of Women

Nomfundo Walaza talks about how we should look beyond the number of women in decision making, focusing instead on their impact. She also shares her thoughts on the importance of a national action plan for South Africa.

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