
Policy Forum 2011: Women in Mediation

Posted by on March 22, 2011

The Policy Forum is the culmination of two weeks of consultations with women mediators from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. These experts raised the profile of women in mediation and provided specific recommendations to those who plan and support negotiations about the importance of inclusive, multi-track processes. These experts joined nearly […]


Women Want to be Heard

Posted by on March 11, 2011

A s a member of the Institute for Inclusive Security’s Women Waging Peace Network, Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela makes a strong connection between the greater women’s movements of South Africa and the international demand for women’s involvement in peace processes.


What is Peace?

Posted by on March 11, 2011

Before she was elected President of Liberia and received the Nobel Peace Prize, long-time Women Waging Peace Network member Ellen Johnson Sirleaf spoke with The Institute for Inclusive Security about how she envisions peace not just for her country but for the world.


She is the Key

Posted by on March 11, 2011

At the Institute for Inclusive Security’s 2010 Policy Forum roundtable discussions, Humira Shahid urges diplomats and security forces to engage women in her country of Pakistan to bring about deeper change within the region.


Strike a Woman, Strike a Rock

Posted by on March 11, 2011

Pumla Gobodo- Madikizela describes how the women’s movement grew across racial divides during the early years of the Anti-Apartheid struggle in South Africa.

Make Sure Women Can Lead in the Middle East

Posted by on March 8, 2011
Make Sure Women Can Lead in the Middle East

This article, co-authored by Carla Koppell and Haleh Esfandiari, was originally published by Common Ground News Service. In Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Tunisia and elsewhere, women have stood with men pushing for change. In Libya, Iman and Salwa Bagaighif are helping lead, shape and support protesters. And in Egypt, the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, […]

Women in the World

Posted by on February 28, 2011
Women in the World

This article was originally published by Solutions Journal. In 2010, the world’s women face daunting challenges, yet they are also the most promising and untapped agents of change. Who can forget the ink-stained fingers of the 2,000 Iraqi women who ran for parliament in that war-torn country’s 2010 elections; or the mothers of the Plaza […]

Middle East Turmoil Shows Risks of Ignoring Civil Society

Posted by on February 18, 2011
Middle East Turmoil Shows Risks of Ignoring Civil Society

This article was originally published by Thomson Reuters Foundation. For too long, the vast majority of foreign policy analyses have focused myopically on the positions and actions of government leaders. But as the popular call for change continues in the Middle East, the international community must recognise how centrally important non-governmental actors can be in […]

Exploiting Women for Peace

Posted by on February 7, 2011
Exploiting Women for Peace

This article was originally published by Aslan Media. As the tragic history of human civilization shows, there are a number of ways in which women can be manipulated and exploited. She may be a commodity, an indicator of a man’s wealth and status, or an illicit good that must be sold on the black market. […]


Peace is Too Serious

Posted by on January 5, 2011

There are too many issues at stake when it comes to peace for it to be left only to one group of people, Rufa Cagoco-Guiam says.

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