
Female Wardens Decrease Tensions in Prisons

Posted by on February 2, 2012

In her earlier role as commissioner of the Israeli Prison Service, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Orit Adato used her influence to increase the number of women working in key roles. In this interview from Jaunary 2012, she explains that this was not just done to promote women based on their gender. Rather, she noticed that when […]


99.9% of Pakistanis are Moderate

Posted by on January 31, 2012

Pakistani academic and peace activist Mossarat Qadeem has used her networks to build a more peaceful society. Her approach to conflict resolution focuses on the idea that no person can do it alone and individual actors must come together with larger institutions, such as the media, military and religious leaders, to transform not only small […]


Women Bring a Different State of Mind

Posted by on January 31, 2012

With over three decades in the Israeli security sector on her resume, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Orit Adato brings a unique perspective to the importance of gender diversity. Through 24 years in command and training positions in the Israeli Defense Forces, she saw how women can contribute to reforms. In this clip from an interview in January […]


Share the Credit

Posted by on January 31, 2012

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Orit Adato used her position as the head of the Women’s Corps in the Israeli Defense Forces to get more women into important positions. In this clip from January 2012, she explains that the key to her success was finding out what male generals needed to get done, fulfilling that need with […]


Live with the Consequences, Soubir

Posted by on January 20, 2012

Is it important to have women at a peace table just for representation? Francesca Bomboko, a researcher from the Democratic Republic of Congo, talks about the effect qualified women have on a peace process. Since women must live with the consequences of peace agreements, she argues, they often find creative solutions to daily problems.


VIDEO: Common Agenda as Women

Posted by on January 19, 2012

Drawing on more than 15 years of experience in coalitions, women like Zaynab El-Sawi have come together from around what was once Sudan to continue to work for peace across the new border between South Sudan and Sudan. In this clip, Ms. El-Sawi, a longtime member of Sudanese Women’s Empowerment for Peace (SuWEP), explains why […]


Try to Imagine You’re a Mother

Posted by on January 19, 2012

Sometimes it is difficult to see people beyond the anger of armed conflict, but international mediator Stella Sabiiti uses the image of a smiling infant to remind parties that there is more to their enemy than meets the eye. Grounded in her own experience of war and torture, Ms. Sabiiti has spent 30 years preparing […]


Similarities and Priorities as Women

Posted by on January 19, 2012

As a longtime member of a women’s coalition that brings together women from South Sudan and Sudan, and from across various sectors, Zaynab El Sawi knows the benefits of working with allies. In conjunction with the 2008 Sudan Consortium, held in Oslo in May 2008, the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, UNIFEM, and Inclusive Security convened a […]


Listen to the Things They Aren’t Saying

Posted by on January 19, 2012

As a mediator between armed groups in Africa, Stella Sabiiti has worked with individuals in some of the world’s most tense situations. Ms. Sabiiti has been with the AU Peace and Security Directorate since 2006, as part of a team of experts strengthening the AU, Regional Economic Communities, and regional standby brigades in building the […]


Peace Agreements Are Like Marriages

Posted by on January 17, 2012

Western donors, according to Belle Abaya of the Philippines, sometimes have the misconception that a peace agreement will automatically solve the underlying issues that cause conflict. In this clip from an interview in January 2011 in Washington, DC, Ms. Abaya suggests that a more lasting peace should be based on smaller instances of building trust, […]

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