Inclusive Security Welcomes Zainab Salbi and Donald Steinberg as Key Advisers

Posted by on June 16, 2014

        The Institute for Inclusive Security is pleased to announce that Ambassador Donald Steinberg, President and CEO of World Learning, and Zainab Salbi, Founder of Women for Women International, have joined us as advisers to our board committee. In addition, Ms. Salbi is now a member of the board for Inclusive Security Action, […]

Michelle Barsa: The Role for Women in Defining Afghanistan’s Future

Posted by on June 16, 2014
Michelle Barsa: The Role for Women in Defining Afghanistan’s Future

After 12 years in Afghanistan, US-led coalition forces are drawing down their presence, and the Afghan government is assuming full responsibility for the security of its citizens. A presidential run-off election is scheduled for next week, and peace talks remain precariously paused. Women have exercised their rights to work, vote, be educated, and serve in […]

Why Women’s Leadership is Key to Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict

Posted by on June 10, 2014
Why Women’s Leadership is Key to Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict

Indian policewomen stand in formation during their deployment as UN peacekeepers in Liberia. Since 2007, India has sent annual rotations of all-female police units to help restore peace and security to the formerly war-torn country. Globally, women now make up about 10 percent of police personnel in UN peacekeeping missions. This post was co-authored by […]

Breaking the Brass Ceiling: Policewomen Around the World

Posted by on May 13, 2014
Breaking the Brass Ceiling: Policewomen Around the World

This article was originally published by Global Post. This week, tens of thousands of law enforcement officers from around the world will gather in Washington, DC to celebrate National Police Week. Women are climbing the ranks of police forces in a myriad of ways and sometimes in unexpected places. Whether they’re countering terrorism in Pakistan, reducing corruption […]


Senate Hearing on the Canadian National Action Plan for UNSCR 1325

Posted by on April 24, 2014

Inclusive Security Director Jacqueline O’Neill testified before the Canadian Senate’s Standing Committee on Human Rights regarding the importance of National Action Plans (NAPs) on women, peace, and security. The committee, chaired by Sen. Mobina Jaffer, met to examine Canada’s progress and commitments related to UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Witnesses from the Canadian ministries of […]

VIDEO: Inclusive Security Director Jacqueline O’Neill Testifies to the Canadian Senate

Posted by on April 24, 2014
VIDEO: Inclusive Security Director Jacqueline O’Neill Testifies to the Canadian Senate

Last month, Inclusive Security Director Jacqueline O’Neill testified before the Canadian Senate’s Standing Committee on Human Rights regarding the importance of National Action Plans (NAPs) on women, peace, and security. The committee, chaired by Sen. Mobina Jaffer, met to examine Canada’s progress and commitments related to UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Witnesses from the Canadian […]

Countering Violent Extremism in Pakistan: Why Women Must Have a Role

Posted by on April 17, 2014
Countering Violent Extremism in Pakistan: Why Women Must Have a Role

This blog post originally appeared on the Atlantic Council website. “The greatest predictor of security and stability in a country is actually not wealth and it’s not the level of democracy. It is how well the women are treated,” said The Hon. Swanee Hunt at a panel hosted the by the Atlantic Council’s South Asia […]

Pakistan’s Women Are Helping Identify and Counter Extremism

Posted by on April 14, 2014
Pakistan’s Women Are Helping Identify and Counter Extremism

This article was written by Danielle Shapiro and originally published by The Daily Beast. As Mossarat Qadeem tells the story, the big clue came from a simple source: a young woman who noticed her brother spending time with strangers. It was about one year ago in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, formerly called the North-West Frontier province, when the […]

The Triumph of Rwanda’s Women

Posted by on April 4, 2014
The Triumph of Rwanda’s Women

This article was originally published by The Daily Beast. Twenty years ago, Eugenie Mukeshimana was eight months pregnant when genocide broke out in her homeland of Rwanda. As hundreds of thousands of Rwandans were slaughtered in a matter of only months, Mukeshimana saw first-hand the fantastic lengths her fellow mothers and women would go to […]

Women in Post-Genocide Rwanda Have Helped Heal Their Country

Posted by on April 4, 2014
Women in Post-Genocide Rwanda Have Helped Heal Their Country

This article, co-authored by Swanee Hunt and Laura Heaton, was originally published by National Geographic. Crowds of police officers and nurses converged in a room painted with bright alphabet letters at a hospital in Rwanda’s capital, Kigali. A plush frog and a couple of dolls with Afros lay on the table, props that might be […]

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