
Women in Armed Groups Are More Than Just an Exotic Novelty

Posted by on June 29, 2015
Women in Armed Groups Are More Than Just an Exotic Novelty

This article was originally published by Global Post. Open your favorite fashion magazine these days and you may see an unfamiliar sight: women in uniform, holding automatic weapons. Strangely glam portraits of fierce female warriors have recently proliferated. To most, they seem novel, out of the ordinary. But the truth is that women have taken […]

Investing In African Women In Times of Peace

Posted by on June 10, 2015
Investing In African Women In Times of Peace

Women often take on different social, political, and economic responsibilities during the upheaval of war. In some cases, after violence ends, they maintain these new roles and claim a larger space in public life. Take Rwanda, for example. In the 20 years after the genocide, women rose to positions of influence. The country currently ranks […]

10 Ways Syrian Women Risk It All For Peace

Posted by on June 9, 2015
10 Ways Syrian Women Risk It All For Peace

This article was published by Public Radio International. What does bravery look like? What strength and character does it take to risk imprisonment, torture, and even death for the sake of a future you may not see? I know what it looks like. I’ve witnessed it in Syrians of all ages, religions, and ethnicities. I’ve […]

Reframing the Conversation: Inclusive Security

Posted by on June 4, 2015
Reframing the Conversation: Inclusive Security

This article, by Council on Foreign Relations Fellow for Women and Foreign Policy, Catherine Powell, was originally posted on the CFR blog. This fall marks both the fifteenth anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and securityand the twentieth anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action: two momentous and pivotal moments for women and women’s […]

Gaining Ground: The Field of Inclusive Security

Posted by on June 1, 2015
Gaining Ground: The Field of Inclusive Security

The Institute for Inclusive Security’s founder and chair, Ambassador Swanee Hunt, recently spoke about the role of women in peacebuilding at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. In the lead-up to the 15th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 this October, Ambassador Hunt explained how the field of inclusive security has gained ground […]

QUIZ: Test Your Knowledge About Women Peacekeepers

Posted by on May 28, 2015
QUIZ: Test Your Knowledge About Women Peacekeepers

The United Nations has enacted 71 peacekeeping missions since 1948, when the first force was deployed to the Middle East. Over one million people have served as UN peacekeepers—or “Blue Helmets”—helping countries maintain security and rebuild after war.

How much do you know about the women who make up this international force for peace? Answer these 10 questions and find out!

Ambassador Swanee Hunt: 20 Years After Bosnian Peace Accords, Women Still Give Me Hope

Posted by on May 21, 2015
Ambassador Swanee Hunt: 20 Years After Bosnian Peace Accords, Women Still Give Me Hope

To mark the 20th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accords—which ended the Bosnian war—The Institute for Inclusive Security’s Founder and Chair, Ambassador Swanee Hunt, moderated a discussion by senior diplomats reflecting on the international community’s responses to the conflict. As US envoy to Austria from 1993-1997, Ambassador Hunt hosted negotiations and international symposia focused on […]

Female Journalist Risks Prison—Or Worse—to Report on Syria’s Civil War

Posted by on May 8, 2015
Female Journalist Risks Prison—Or Worse—to Report on Syria’s Civil War

This month’s Elle magazine features a profile of one of our 2015 colloquium participants, a citizen journalist from Syria. As cofounder of the underground newspaper Enab Baladi, Kholoud Waleed (a pseudonym) reports on the horrors perpetrated by all sides of her country’s civil war. When three of the newspaper’s editors were killed and others detained, […]

Clinton Presents Awards to Advance Women in Peace and Security

Posted by on April 28, 2015
Clinton Presents Awards to Advance Women in Peace and Security

This post originally appeared on the website of Georgetown University. Miriam Coronel Ferrer is a member of Inclusive Security’s Women Waging Peace Network. Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was at Georgetown today to present the second of an annual award to individuals devoted to the cause of women, peace and security in […]


VIDEO: “How Female FARC Fighters Could Be The Key To Peace In Colombia”

Posted by on April 24, 2015
VIDEO: “How Female FARC Fighters Could Be The Key To Peace In Colombia”

The Colombian civil war is winding down after more than 50 years and 222,000 casualties. How will the country help 8,000 guerrilla fighters transition back into civilian life? A key step will be ensuring that female combatants—who make up 30-40% of the FARC armed forces—are meaningfully integrated in the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration process. In […]

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