20 Years After Hillary’s ‘Women’s Rights are Human Rights,’ How Far Have We Come?

Posted by on September 4, 2015
20 Years After Hillary’s ‘Women’s Rights are Human Rights,’ How Far Have We Come?

This piece was originally published by The Takeaway. Twenty years ago, then-First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton stood before an audience of Chinese dignitaries in Beijing and and declared that “women’s rights are human rights.” “I believe that now, on the eve of a new millennium, it is time to break the silence,” she said. “It […]

Kenya’s National Action Plan: “To Involve Women is to Sustain Peace”

Posted by on August 27, 2015
Kenya’s National Action Plan: “To Involve Women is to Sustain Peace”

This article, by Vicky Karimi, was originally posted on the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security’s blog. Kenya is facing several peace and security challenges. Election-related violence has claimed many lives and displaced many more, cross-border clashes hit the country sporadically, and there has been a proliferation of small arms and light weapons. Further, […]

Syrian Women Demand End to Siege of Zabadani

Posted by on August 24, 2015
Syrian Women Demand End to Siege of Zabadani

No corner of Syria has been untouched by the violence that has consumed the country for the past four years. The city of Zabadani is no exception. Located close to the border with Lebanon, Zabadani is geographically strategic due to its position on the highway connecting Damascus and Beirut. Since July 2015, the Syrian army […]

Without Inclusion, No Hope for Peace in South Sudan

Posted by on August 12, 2015
Without Inclusion, No Hope for Peace in South Sudan

This article was originally published by The Weekly Wonk. When warring parties agree to consider terms for peace, it’s usually a cause for optimism. But as South Sudan’s belligerents mull over a proposed compromise agreement in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, hope seems futile. The mediators have set August 17 as an urgent deadline for ending the […]

Harnessing the Power of Women in Peacemaking

Posted by on August 10, 2015
Harnessing the Power of Women in Peacemaking

This article was originally posted by UNDP. Peace processes that include women are 64 percent less likely to fail. And, when women and women’s groups are included at the negotiation table, peace agreements are more likely to be reached. These striking facts and others like it brought a dynamic set of women – and a few […]

Inclusive Security and U.S. Department of State Announce Forum for Innovative Approaches to Global Threats

Posted by on July 27, 2015
Inclusive Security and U.S. Department of State Announce Forum for Innovative Approaches to Global Threats

This fall, we will mark 15 years since the UN Security Council passed a landmark resolution recognizing women’s vital roles in peace and security. Since then, the world has confronted unimagined challenges, from rising violent extremism to cybersecurity risks. These frontiers offer opportunities to innovate and apply hard-earned lessons. This is the moment to reflect, […]

President Obama is Traveling to Kenya—Here Are 10 Women He Should Know

Posted by on July 22, 2015
President Obama is Traveling to Kenya—Here Are 10 Women He Should Know

President Obama travels this week to Kenya, where he and President Uhuru Kenyatta will discuss how to intensify our shared fight against terrorism and stabilize the region. As they debate these critical issues, they can learn a great deal from the ongoing efforts of Kenyan women to build a safer, more inclusive country. The 10 […]

More Than 35,000 People Rally Behind Nigerian Women to Bring Back Our Girls

Posted by on July 8, 2015
More Than 35,000 People Rally Behind Nigerian Women to Bring Back Our Girls

It’s been more than a year since 276 Nigerian schoolgirls were kidnapped by Boko Haram. While the world has long since looked away, Nigerian women have continued daily demonstrations, calling on the government to intensify the search. We asked our supporters and friends to make sure these activists know they are not forgotten. Over 35,000 people […]


“The War Came Upon Us”

Posted by on July 7, 2015

A native of what is now Bosnia and Herzegovina, Inclusive Security’s Vice Chair, Mirsad “Miki” Jacevic, survived years of brutal siege in Sarajevo. In this video, he reflects that it was the women who held his family—and country—together.

20 Years After Srebrenica Massacre, Women Are the Healers

Posted by on July 6, 2015
20 Years After Srebrenica Massacre, Women Are the Healers

This article was originally published by The Boston Globe. As US Ambassador to Austria, I took part in a ceremony in May 1995 marking the half-century anniversary of the liberation of a Nazi concentration camp by American forces. One after another, envoys stood at the wreath-laying and declared: “Never again.” Yet within a few hundred […]

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