“Women. Seriously!” Campaign Launched at Global Summit in London

Inclusive Security is proud to be part of a new campaign, led by long-time Women Waging Peace Network member Irene Santiago, to recognize the indelible role that women play in building peace and security worldwide. “Women. Seriously!” was launched last week at the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict and will culminate 16 […]
Inclusive Security Welcomes Zainab Salbi and Donald Steinberg as Key Advisers
The Institute for Inclusive Security is pleased to announce that Ambassador Donald Steinberg, President and CEO of World Learning, and Zainab Salbi, Founder of Women for Women International, have joined us as advisers to our board committee. In addition, Ms. Salbi is now a member of the board for Inclusive Security Action, […]
Michelle Barsa: The Role for Women in Defining Afghanistan’s Future

After 12 years in Afghanistan, US-led coalition forces are drawing down their presence, and the Afghan government is assuming full responsibility for the security of its citizens. A presidential run-off election is scheduled for next week, and peace talks remain precariously paused. Women have exercised their rights to work, vote, be educated, and serve in […]
Countering Violent Extremism in Pakistan: Why Women Must Have a Role

This blog post originally appeared on the Atlantic Council website. “The greatest predictor of security and stability in a country is actually not wealth and it’s not the level of democracy. It is how well the women are treated,” said The Hon. Swanee Hunt at a panel hosted the by the Atlantic Council’s South Asia […]
Anderlini: “Who Are These Women, Anyway?”

This article originally appeared on the International Peace Institute Website. That’s the question often asked by policy makers who exclude women from official peace processes, said Sanam Naraghi Anderlini, Co-Founder of the International Civil Society Action Network, on March 12. She spoke as part of a panel on inclusive peacemaking at the International Peace Institute. […]
Gender Parity in Parliament Possible Within 20 Years, New Trends Show

This post originally appeared on the Inter-Parliamentary Union website. A one point five percentage point (1.5) increase in 2013 of the global average of women members of parliament (MPs) marks a significant and encouraging trend that could lead to gender parity within 20 years if fully capitalized upon, says the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). In its […]
Ambassador Carol Rodley Joins Inclusive Security’s Resolution to Act Initiative

Inclusive Security is thrilled to welcome Ambassador Carol Rodley to its leadership team as Director of Resolution to Act. Ambassador Rodley has more than 30 years of experience as an American diplomat. Most recently, she served as Dean of the School of Leadership and Management at the State Department’s Foreign Service Institute and was the […]
Secretary Clinton Announces Partnership in Support of Women, Peace, and Security

Hillary Rodham Clinton has announced a new partnership to support her No Ceilings initiative. The Institute for Inclusive Security and the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security will convene government and civil society leaders from around the world to create roadmaps for advancing women’s leadership roles in ending wars and constructing durable peace. Speaking […]