10 Ways Syrian Women Risk It All For Peace

Posted by on June 9, 2015
10 Ways Syrian Women Risk It All For Peace

This article was published by Public Radio International. What does bravery look like? What strength and character does it take to risk imprisonment, torture, and even death for the sake of a future you may not see? I know what it looks like. I’ve witnessed it in Syrians of all ages, religions, and ethnicities. I’ve […]

QUIZ: Test Your Knowledge About Women Peacekeepers

Posted by on May 28, 2015
QUIZ: Test Your Knowledge About Women Peacekeepers

The United Nations has enacted 71 peacekeeping missions since 1948, when the first force was deployed to the Middle East. Over one million people have served as UN peacekeepers—or “Blue Helmets”—helping countries maintain security and rebuild after war.

How much do you know about the women who make up this international force for peace? Answer these 10 questions and find out!

Clinton Presents Awards to Advance Women in Peace and Security

Posted by on April 28, 2015
Clinton Presents Awards to Advance Women in Peace and Security

This post originally appeared on the website of Georgetown University. Miriam Coronel Ferrer is a member of Inclusive Security’s Women Waging Peace Network. Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was at Georgetown today to present the second of an annual award to individuals devoted to the cause of women, peace and security in […]

Why This Photo Is So Significant

Why This Photo Is So Significant

This press photo from the recent draft ceasefire agreement in Myanmar is striking. It looks familiar: two men in suits, shaking hands. Yet standing right behind them is a less familiar sight: two women, watching over the historic deal they helped make possible. What a world we’d live in if more photos looked like this. […]

Women, Peace, and Security in the New Congress: Strategies for Action (WEBINAR)

Posted by on March 25, 2015
Women, Peace, and Security in the New Congress: Strategies for Action (WEBINAR)

The US National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security, passed by executive order in 2011, commits our government—from the president to his cabinet to missions around the world—to advancing women’s meaningful participation in peace and security processes. Progress in certain areas has been slow, but Congress can speed up implementation by supporting the Women, […]

What Matters Most: Measuring Plans for Inclusive Security

Posted by on February 26, 2015
What Matters Most: Measuring Plans for Inclusive Security

This post was written by Zsuzsanna Lippai, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, and Angelic Young, Senior Coordinator of National Action Plans. You may not realize it, but data runs your life. The feedback loop of information resulting from your actions constantly guides you, explicitly or not, to adapt future approaches. From interpersonal relationships—the way you interact […]

17 Women Who Are Changing the World

Posted by on January 28, 2015
17 Women Who Are Changing the World

These 17 women leaders were among 21 who attended Inclusive Security’s 2015 colloquium. Not pictured, for security reasons, are four courageous Syrians who risk their lives to distribute food and medical supplies, provide psychosocial counseling, support democratic elections, build bridges between sects, and end bloodshed. Someday soon, when the world they’re working so hard for […]

VIDEO – “From the Frontlines: Women Battle War”

Posted by on January 23, 2015
VIDEO – “From the Frontlines: Women Battle War”

A rapt audience crowded the aisles earlier this month at Harvard’s JFK Jr. Forum to hear from six exceptional leaders from Brazil, Kenya, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Syria. The women – part of a group of 21 remarkable participants in Inclusive Security’s 16th annual colloquium – discussed how they’ve prevented violence, ended conflict, and defied extremism […]

Quiz: Are You a Resolution 1325 Expert?

Posted by on October 30, 2014
Quiz: Are You a Resolution 1325 Expert?

Fourteen years ago, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1325, recognizing women’s roles in advancing peace and security. Since then, it’s changed the way the international community thinks about war and how to stop it. How much do you know about this landmark document?


Syrian Women Know How to Defeat ISIS

Posted by on October 17, 2014
Syrian Women Know How to Defeat ISIS

This article, co-authored by Michelle Barsa and Kristin Williams, was originally published by The Weekly Wonk and syndicated by TIME. *Note: Names and identifying details of Syrian activists referenced in this article are withheld to ensure their safety. To the Islamic State, Syrian women are slaves. To much of the rest of the world, they […]

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