Two Decades After Genocide, Rwanda’s Women Have Made the Nation Thrive
This article was originally published by The Daily Beast. Rwanda has the highest percentage of women appointed to government in the world. Women account for 64 percent of its parliament. (In comparison, America ranks 83rd with 18 percent.) This is the same country that 20 years ago was in the throes of a genocide that […]
Women Leaders in Peace Building
In this Radio Souriali episode, host and producer Honey Al Sayed interviews Ambassador Swanee Hunt, author, Founder and Chair of the Institute for Inclusive Security, and Eleanor Roosevelt Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, who has brokered women’s advancement in peacebuilding worldwide for two decades.
Can the World’s Women Save Syria?
This article was written by Danielle Shapiro and originally published by The Daily Beast. She is known only as “Delegate Three” and her remarks to the world were simple. “If your countries are keen on achieving peace in Syria,” she said to the United Nations Security Council during a closed session last month known as an Arria Formula […]
Irene Santiago: Women are Vital Peacemakers
This article was originally published by The Christian Science Monitor. As a young woman Irene Santiago came to New York City from The Philippines to study journalism at Columbia University. Today as a world-renowned expert on conflict negotiation and the crucial role women can play in that field she still draws on her reporter’s training. […]
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Why We Need More Women at the Syria Peace Talks
Inclusive Security Action’s Michelle Barsa outlines how Syrian women are involved in the ongoing peace talks and why their participation is so critical.
Does Peace Need Women?
In this podcast, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe speaks to Inclusive Security’s Director, Jacqueline O’Neill, and others about the critical role women play in peacebuilding.
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Challenges to Securing Afghan Women’s Gains
On October 29, Michelle Barsa of Inclusive Security Action testified in front of the House Armed Services Committee about the challenges to securing Afghan women’s gains in a post-2014 environment.
Women’s Peace Leadership ”Smart Policy,” and UN Pushes For More
This article was originally published by the International Peace Institute. The UN Security Council marked its annual open debate on women, peace and security this month by unanimously adopting a resolution on women’s agency and leadership in conflict prevention and resolution. Resolution 2122 is the Council’s sixth women, peace and security resolution in six years, […]
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The Moment That Opened My Eyes to the Obvious
Swanee Hunt recalls “a turning point in my life” when a Bosnian widow chose forgiveness in the aftermath of the Srebrenica massacre. The woman’s words — “We are all mothers” — also spurred Hunt’s thinking on women’s role in creating peace.
Women Call for more Effective Participation in the Peace Process and Agreements
This article was originally published by Sudan Vision. The Sudanese Women Coalition for Peace in collaboration with the Development Studies & Research Institute (DSRI) of the University of Khartoum & the Ministry of Social Welfare with the support of the Institute of Inclusive Security (IIS) organized a Forum on “Sudanese Women & peace challenges: Sudan […]