Author: Empowering Women Empowers Peace Process
This article was originally published by Houston Chronicle. Swanee Hunt, 61, the daughter of legendary Texas oil man H.L. Hunt, is the Eleanor Roosevelt Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. In 1999, she founded the Washington-based Institute for Inclusive Security, which encourages women’s participation in peace efforts around the world. The […]
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VIDEO: The Case is There, Women Delivered
Angelina Teny is one of seven women leaders from South Sudan who came to Washington, DC, in December 2011 to make recommendations for the development plan for her new country to better include women. During a gender symposium hosted by Inclusive Security and UN Women, Teny and others crafted policy suggestions later presented at the […]
South Sudanese Women Leader Sees Long Way Ahead for Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment
This article was originally published by Xinhua News Agency. Sarah Ajith James arrived in Washington last Sunday night, just five months after her country — South Sudan — seceded from Sudan and became the world’ s 193rd nation, knowing that the road to equality would be long and difficult for women in the world’s newest […]
South Sudan: Women Aim to Protect Their Rights in a Young State
This article was originally published by Inter Press Service. As South Sudan maps out its economic future at the South Sudan International Engagement Conference (IEC) this week in Washington, women from the new country called on donors to invest in projects that ensure women benefit equally from development plans. … The Institute for Inclusive Security, […]
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Building Peace Huts
In 2006, The Institute for Inclusive Security arranged a meeting between two of our leading Women Waging Peace Network members. Though it was clear at the time that the Institute’s staff filmed this video that these women were doing amazing work to build peace in Liberia, to much of the rest of the world Leymah […]
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Support of This Network
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Leymah Gbowee has been a long-time member of the Women Waging Peace Network. With the help and support of Inclusive Security, Ms. Gbowee has expanded her work into different parts of West Africa including a protest in Cote D’Ivoire, which she describes here.
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Rural Women Peace and Security
Before winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011, Leymah Gbowee of Liberia met for a lunch with some of the staff of Inclusive Security at our office in Cambridge, MA. Here she discusses her work getting rural women to take ownership of their safety by engaging with their local security committees.
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Politically Separate but Socially Together
Kamilia Ibrahim Kuku Kura is a long-time activist and community organizer from Sudan. She is the founder and executive director for the Nuba Women for Education and Development Association. Ms. Kuku is a long-time member of the Coaliton of Women Leaders, a group of more than 150 women working to increase the participation of women […]
South Sudanese Women Struggle to Make Their Voices Heard
This article was originally published by PBS. Last May, a group of about 60 women, some in colorful African dress, others in modest Islamic garb, a few in Western-style suits, met in Juba, soon to be the capital of the new nation of South Sudan, to discuss their country’s constitution. Over a period of three […]
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Liberian Women Building their own Country
In 2009, the staff of The Institute for Inclusive Security traveled to Liberia to encourage women to run for office and help rebuild their country. Chair of the Institute, Swanee Hunt lead several training sessions on inspiring and creating a powerful political women’s movement in Liberia.