Inclusive Security Resolves to Act
This article was originally published by PR Newswire. Ambassador Swanee Hunt, chair of The Institute for Inclusive Security, announced the Institute’s Commitment to Action in support of women, peace, and security at the 2012 Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting. ‘Resolution to Act’ bridges the gap between the rhetoric of “national action plans” and the […]
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Pakistani Women Speak
For the past two years, Inclusive Security has traveled to Pakistan numerous times to support Amn-o-Nisa, a coalition of women leaders mobilizing against extremism. Watch this compilation of video interviews to learn about how extremism is affecting Pakistanis and how women are courageously curbing radicalization, preventing violence, and restoring peace in their communities.
How Liberian Women Organized a Sex Strike and Helped End a War
Leymah Gbowee is an extraordinarily determined and visionary leader who organized the women of Liberia to put an end to the catastrophic rule of former President Charles Taylor. Since Inclusive Security began working with her more than a decade ago, she has become an exemplar within our Women Waging Peace Network of the more than […]
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Peace Concerts
In September 2011, Inclusive Security staff interviewed investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker Naziha Ali. She spoke about an event she and the other members of Citizens for Democracy Pakistan put together to promote peace and moderate extremism.
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VIDEO: Developing a National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 for Nepal
Bandana Rana is one of the leading players of the women’s movement in Nepal, with more than two decades of active engagement in promoting women’s rights and gender equality. She is currently the executive president of Saathi, an NGO working on violence against women and children in Nepal. She recently worked with the Ministry of […]
Conversations With Suicide Bombers
This article was originally published by Foreign Policy. It was 2009 in Peshawar, Pakistan, and Mossarat Qadeem was sitting on the floor of a house with about a dozen young Pakistani men — some of whom had nearly become suicide bombers. Qadeem’s goal: to undo the destructive brainwashing of the al-Qaeda and Taliban teachers who […]
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For Pakistanis, Violence Has ‘Profound Impact’ on Everyday Life
This video originally appeared on PBS NewsHour. Across Pakistan, life is often interrupted by terrorist attacks and sectarian violence. Last year alone, there were more than 600 bomb blasts. The Pakistani government says it’s trying to fight extremism through military means and economic development. The United States is assisting with military aid and drone strikes […]
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Youth Are Not Just the Future, They Are the Present
Sameena Imtiaz felt that youth in Pakistan were not being engaged to maintain peace in her country. Often overlooked because they are seen as “the future,” Ms. Imtiaz argues that to ignore her country’s youth is to ignore their present circumstances. Over 60% of the population in Pakistan is youth, so Ms. Imtiaz reached out […]
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Mothers Moderate Minds
When interviewed in 2011, Farhat Asif, a Pakistani researcher and journalist, spoke about the importance of home and family in teaching children the skills to cope with extremism and violence. In her eyes, the home is the “Intensive Care Unit” for society, so if the family is struggling, the society will struggle as well. She […]
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Like Losing Your Children on a Daily Basis
Bushra Hyder, a peacebuilder and educator, believes that women in Pakistan need to unite and call for peace in her country—just as women in Northern Ireland and Sudan have done—in order to save future generations from more violence. In an interview in 2011, she described her concern about the mental health of youth growing up […]