The Power of a Plan
For countries to thrive, women must be full partners with men in decisions about inclusive security. One of the most powerful tools to realize this vision is a national action plan—drawing on women’s expertise to achieve and sustain peace.
We improve the quality and increase the number of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 national action plans worldwide as a means of achieving just and sustainable peace with country engagements, regional gatherings, training materials, and online resources.



Monitoring and Evaluation
Inclusive Security stands ready to help countries bridge these gaps. We offer national governments a comprehensive array of services designed to help ensure plans are well-crafted, effectively implemented, and meaningfully evaluated.
This guide is for policymakers, government officials, and civil society leaders as they develop, implement, and track progress on national action plans (NAPs) and other strategies for advancing women’s inclusion in peace and security.
Read the Guide
National Action Plans Make a Difference
See our resources for policymakers, government officials, and civil society leaders in the publications archive.
See All Resources
Take our National Action Plan 101 training to learn how your country can develop a high-impact policy that builds stability through women’s leadership.
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For more information contact Miki Jacevic at