How Our Next President Can Improve Security

   •    September 29, 2016


Photos by: Michael Vadon (left) and Gage Skidmore (right)

Seventy-five percent of American voters rank foreign policy as one of the most important issues influencing their vote in the 2016 elections. That’s second only to terrorism (80 percent) and the economy (84 percent).

It’s clear that citizens are concerned about America’s role in fostering global prosperity and stability. In the face of complex threats, our political leaders must invest in effective solutions.

Fortunately, a growing body of evidence demonstrates that inclusive approaches—where women are meaningfully represented in efforts to prevent and end violence, or rebuild after conflict—improve peace and security. When women participate in negotiations to end war, agreements last longer. When they serve in police forces, countries are better able to prevent and respond to violent extremism. That’s why the US has made significant foreign and national security policy commitments to women’s inclusion over the last several years.

Inclusive Security and our allies have spent decades advocating for bipartisan action to improve these national strategies. We’ve worked with champions in Congress to introduce legislation that would build on current policies so progress continues to be made. We’ve testified before congressional committees about the need for dedicated funding streams to support recruitment and retention of women in security forces in our partner nations. We’ve also provided guidance on how to measure the impact of US investments in this agenda.

With a new administration taking office in early 2017, it’s more important than ever to reaffirm these commitments. With that in mind, we’re recommending five short- and long-term steps to strengthen US efforts for inclusive and sustainable security.

Read the recommendations.

Additional Resources:

This publication was made possible with support from the Compton Foundation.

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