Secretary Clinton Announces Partnership in Support of Women, Peace, and Security

Secretary Clinton announces an innovative program to support her No Ceilings Initiative and the implementation of UNSCR 1325. “It’s important at the outset to underscore this is not a women’s issue,” said Clinton. “It cuts to the very core of who we are as human beings, what kinds of societies we choose to have, what kind of world we want to live in and leave for our children.”
Hillary Rodham Clinton has announced a new partnership to support her No Ceilings initiative. The Institute for Inclusive Security and the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security will convene government and civil society leaders from around the world to create roadmaps for advancing women’s leadership roles in ending wars and constructing durable peace.
Speaking about the importantance of women in establishing global security, Secretary Clinton said, “When women are excluded and marginalized, we all suffer, but when women and girls have the chance to participate fully alongside men and boys in making peace, in growing the economy, in political life, in every facet of existence, then we all benefit.”
The two organizations will convene delegations from government and civil society leaders at Georgetown University later this year for an academy focused on implementing United Nations Security Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security through multi-year, interagency national action plans.
“For fifteen years, Inclusive Security has worked alongside Hillary Clinton as well as Ambassador Verveer to achieve their vision for women and global security,” said Ambassador Swanee Hunt. “This partnership with Georgetown University, under No Ceilings, will be much more than the sum of its parts.”
UNSCR 1325 calls for women to be full partners in preventing and resolving deadly conflicts and enhancing stability. In order to implement the resolution, more than 40 countries have developed national action plans to elevate women in preventing conflict, making peace, and rebuilding their societies.
About No Ceilings
No Ceilings is an effort led by Secretary Clinton at the Clinton Foundation to bring together partner organizations to evaluate and share the progress women and girls have made in the 20 years since the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. The program is charting the path toward full inclusion of women and girls in the 21st century.
About the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security
The Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, led by Ambassador Melanne Verveer, brings together partners from around the world to provide analysis, expertise, and leadership on women’s inclusion in peace and security processes.
About Inclusive Security
Inclusive Security ensures that women’s presence and priorities impact peace and security processes globally. Inclusive Security has demonstrated the possibilities of UNSCR 1325 by coaching Colombian parliamentarians to strengthen their voices, connecting Pakistani women fighting extremism to the White House, and creating a coalition of Sudanese and South Sudanese female political leaders. Their groundbreaking initiative, Resolution to Act, provides countries with the necessary tools to make the goals of 1325 a reality.
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