Inclusive Security helps governments develop and implement high-impact national action plans and related strategies.

Because most existing plans are not high-impact, they fail to realize their potential. Many lack sufficient political support. Others are launched with minimal financial resources. Few include a realistic monitoring and evaluation system, so evidence of impact is almost impossible to measure.

Inclusive Security stands ready to help countries bridge these gaps. We offer national governments a comprehensive array of services designed to help ensure plans are well-crafted, effectively implemented, and meaningfully evaluated.

Our services can be provided on-site or remotely, depending on the need. See our brochure for additional information.



Our Approach

High-impact NAP design brings together relevant stakeholders to identify key priorities, craft activities, and determine indicators of progress. Civil society is meaningfully involved throughout this process, shaping priorities and increasing broader buy-in.

Our Services

  • Interactive workshops that bring together government and civil society to conduct problem analyses, identify priorities, and coordinate activities
  • Sharing of models and good practices from other countries
  • Skills-building sessions and follow-up assistance to use new tools (such as Inclusive Security’s “Creating National Action Plans: A Guide to Implementing Resolution 1325”) to help develop a monitoring and evaluation system that includes performance indicators, data collection methods, and reporting templates
  • Development of strategies for building high-level political will for a plan’s passage and effective implementation



Our Approach

High-impact NAP implementation requires consistent coordination and communication between implementing ministries, agencies, and civil society. Relevant institutions have clear responsibilities, timelines, and funding to execute activities. Information on progress against objectives, measured by indicators, is regularly disseminated, enabling key actors to document impact and identify challenges to implementation.

Our Services

  • Consultations to create or strengthen coordination structures such as steering committees or interagency working groups
  • Workshops, focus groups, and remote follow-up assistance to develop work plans and other implementation strategies for specific ministries and institutions
  • Technical training for government officials in policy design, communications, advocacy, and budgeting
  • Exposure to National Action Plan symposia and other opportunities to learn from other practitioners and to showcase best practices
  • Communication strategies to share -across the government and broader public- the success and challenges of implementation
  • Connections with regional, multi-national, and international partners


Monitoring and Evaluation

Our Approach

High-impact NAP monitoring and evaluation requires a dedicated system that focuses on results, strengthens accountability, and compels policymakers to act. Additionally, mid-term and summative NAP reviews can provide a holistic picture of a plan’s successes and challenges, allowing government officials to make course corrections in real time.

Our Services

  • Training in developing and using monitoring and evaluation plans and systems and assistance in developing useful indicators
  • Consultation and remote follow-up assistance to develop or refine a monitoring and evaluation system
  • Training in the use of our monitoring and evaluation guide, “Creating National Action Plans: A Guide to Implementing Resolution 1325”
  • Mid-term assessment of a plan to identify implementation successes, key challenges, and opportunities for increased impact
  • Summative assessment of a plan’s impact