Listen to the Things They Aren’t Saying

   •    January 19, 2012

As a mediator between armed groups in Africa, Stella Sabiiti has worked with individuals in some of the world’s most tense situations. Ms. Sabiiti has been with the AU Peace and Security Directorate since 2006, as part of a team of experts strengthening the AU, Regional Economic Communities, and regional standby brigades in building the African peace and security architecture.

In 2002, she facilitated negotiations between the Uganda National Rescue Front II and the government of Uganda, leading to a peace agreement. On behalf of the Organization of African Union’s Women’s Committee on Peace and Development, she served as peace and security expert on a team of four mediators mobilizing Burundian women and negotiating with stakeholders for women’s involvement in the talks. Here, in this interview from January 2011, Ms. Sabiiti imparts some of her wisdom on how to help others diagnose their conflicts and find a way forward.

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